Verification of Payee

A beneficiary name-account details matching service to enable verified and safe transactions for ALL credit transfers. Comply with IPR.

iban name check payments

A beneficiary name-account details matching service to enable verified and safe transactions for ALL credit transfers. Comply with IPR.

iban name check payments
iban name check payments
The verification of payee obligation

Payee Verification Platform enables you to comply with the Instant Payments Regulation, which modifies SEPA rules to enable safe(r) credit transfers

It notably establishes the Verification of Payee (VoP) obligation for credit institutions offering the service of sending of Euro Instant Payment: “PSPs should therefore provide a service ensuring verification of the payee to whom the payer intends to send a credit transfer (service ensuring verification)”. 

The deadline for PSPs to provide their users with a VoP service has been set to October 9th, 2025.

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Discover Payee Verification Platform

  • VoP SERVICE PROVISION: Supports PSPs to expose and manage, in a secure and compliant manner, a real-time name & account details verification service.
  • VoP UNIFIED ACCESS: Offers payers’ PSPs a single interface to access verification service made available by the payee’s PSPs.
  • ONE CHECK: Provides public and private organizations a single interface to verify the account ownership.
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Comply with the IP regulation as PSP of the account receiving the payment

  • MUTUALIZED EXPERTISE, development and setup efforts and costs
  • POWERFUL NAME MATCHING ALGORITHM developed specifically for bank account naming specificities
  • EASY TO IMPLEMENT AND MAINTAIN PROCESS FOR ACCOUNT LISTS import with built-in validation and reusing existing technical integration
  • API FALLBACK OPTION if the bank prefers an ad-hoc access to each account details

Comply with the IP regulation as PSP initiating any credit transfer

  • SINGLE INTERFACE TO VERIFY potentially any European recipient account no matter the source or scope of the check
  • FLEXIBLE TECHNICAL INTEGRATION (endpoints for single and batch checks, web portal, etc.) to implement the service in various initiation touchpoints
  • With ONE CHECK, POTENTIAL TO OFFER/RESELL THE SERVICE to your corporate customers

Insights from recent EPC documents related to VoP

  • Only PSPs in scope of VoP obligation can directly join the scheme; adherence is not limited to PSPs in the 27 EU countries but is also open to other SEPA scheme countries (3 EEA + 6 non-EEA)
  • Few important parts of the scheme remain to be published such as the VoP Scheme Adherence Process, the Risk Management Annex and the requirements for the EPC Directory Service (EDS)
  • High-level coverage of EDS content is provided: list of participants in the scheme, their respective technical routing data to send a VoP request and their supported corporate identifiers
  • In addition to the main payee details matching service, the scheme allows the opportunity to provide additional optional related services
  • Batch VoP requests can be exchanged between a PSU and its PSP however only single requests will be allowed between PSPs
  • The maximum execution time of a VoP request has been increased to 5 seconds (from 3 seconds initially)
  • Very minor changes in the EPC recommendations for the matching process: explicit introduction of a detailed forth answer in case the matching was not possible and acknowledgement that recommendations/scenarios provided by the EPC are not exhaustive ‘rules’ but ‘guidelines’
deep dive into IPR & VoP

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In the Media
Verification of Payee: enhanced trust and security

The Verification of Payee (VoP) obligation was introduced in the Instant Payments Regulation and will be applicable as from 9 October 2025. This requirement imposed on payment service providers is all about checking whether the name and payment account identifier of a payee match, or not.   An obligation for all types of credit transfers […]

Tackling the VoP challenge(s): 3 questions to Ramzi Dziri

The Verification of Payee – introduced in the Instant Payments Regulation (IPR) earlier this year – deadline is slowly but surely approaching. Payment Service Providers (PSPs) will have to comply by October 2025, and VoP is considered by most of them as a strategic project that must be well under way in the coming months. […]

VoP user group: looking back at the first workshop

At LUXHUB, we’ve launched a Verification of Payee solution, called Payee Verification Platform, which is destined to Payment Service Providers all over the EU, in the context of the Instant Payments Regulation. After onboarding our first customers, we’re now organizing a series of workshop for our VoP user group members, composed of dozens of payments […]

VoP: Key insights from recent EPC documents & guidelines

In the last weeks, the European Payments Council (EPC) released several key documents and guidelines with regards to the implementation of the Verification of Payee (VoP) service. Find below a recap of each document, and feel free to reach out to us should you need help in your VoP project.   VoP Scheme Rulebook It’s […]

How IPR impacts ALL credit transfers

The Instant Payments Regulation (IPR) stands as a landmark regulation aimed at revolutionizing the speed and efficiency of credit transfers within the European Union. It imposes Payment Service Providers the deployment of instant payments and a correlated adaptation of sanction screening measures on the one hand. But it goes beyond the sole instant payments as […]

IPs and IBAN-name checks become a reality in the EU

Members of the European Parliaments (MEPs) have, on Wednesday February 7th, voted in the Instant Payments Regulation consisting in new rules that will ensure transferred funds instantly arrive – within 10 seconds – into the bank accounts of both retail customers and business.   The advent of Instant Payments (IPs), with an increased security This […]

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Want to learn more about our Payee Verification Platform?

Ensure a smooth compliance with the European Commission’s regulation on Instant Payments and credit transfers.